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  • [UltraOz] 23,000km - Well done to Jesper Olsen
    Just like to give a Big Public Congratulations to Jesper Olsen from Denmark
    who passed the 23,000km mark in his run around the World yesterday. We know
    that there aren't many people that have gone further. It's taken 18 months,
    quite a few countries ,four continents, a few tyre punctures and a couple of
    injuries. But he's done it and he's still running.

    Apart from Jesper being a "Good Bloke" as we say here in Australia, he has
    held himself accountable and transparent every step of the way and has made
    Himself open to the Ultra sport all the way. His record keeping has also
    been first rate every step of the way with the use of an old fashioned
    notebook and new technology.

    Thanks to Everyone that has helped him at any time during the Run.

    He still has another 3,000km to go. That involves running from Minnesota to
    Chicago then New York. Then doing part of Ireland before finishing at the
    Greewich Line, London on September 1st. I hope that Ultra runners in England
    help to give Jesper the FINISH that he so richly deserves.

    His run can be followed at

    If you have any further enquiries please contact me at


    Phil Essam

    (28.06.2005, Steppenhahn)

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